Study Guide
Field 169: Bilingual Education Assessment—Spanish
Presentational Speaking: Spanish Sample Assignments
Recommendation for individuals using a screenreader: please set your punctuation settings to "most."
This study guide includes three sections for the Presentational Speaking section of the test:
- Directions, Performance Characteristics, and Score Scale for the Presentational Speaking Assignments
- Presentational Speaking: English Sample Assignments
- Presentational Speaking: Spanish Sample Assignments
In this study guide, two sample assignments are provided to assist an examinee in preparing for the actual test. On the actual test, there will be one Presentational Speaking: Spanish assignment to which the examinee will have to provide a response.
Competency 0008
Presentational Speaking: Spanish
Presentational Speaking: Spanish
Sample Assignment 1
[Note: All text will be presented in English; only the candidate response is in Spanish.]
[The examinee will see on screen the following directions:]
You may take up to 5 minutes to review the assignment below and to prepare your response. Then, the screen will automatically advance and recording will automatically begin. The assignment will remain on the screen during recording. You may take up to 3 minutes to respond to the assignment. Begin reviewing the assignment and preparing your response now.
[The prompt will be presented on screen ONLY, such as the sample prompt below:]
In your opinion, should students be required to go to school during the summer?
Imagine that you are addressing an audience of educators, parents, and caregivers. Speaking in Spanish, respond to the question above. In your response, you must:
- state and explain your opinion about the question; and
- support your opinion by providing at least two relevant ideas or examples.
Your response must be in your own words.
DO NOT click the Next button unless you are ready to record your response.
[If the examinee clicks "Next" before the preparation time has ended, the following warning appears in a pop-up: "You have chosen to begin speaking before your 5 minutes of preparation time has ended. If you click "Yes" below, the screen will automatically advance, and recording will automatically begin. Are you sure you want to begin speaking now?"]
[The prompt will be presented on screen ONLY, such as the sample prompt below:]
Begin to respond in Spanish at the sound of the tone. You may take up to 3 minutes to complete your response.
In your opinion, should students be required to go to school during the summer?
Imagine that you are addressing an audience of educators, parents, and caregivers. Speaking in Spanish, respond to the question above. In your response, you must:
- state and explain your opinion about the question; and
- support your opinion by providing at least two relevant ideas or examples.
Your response must be in your own words.
DO NOT click the Next button unless you have finished recording your response.
[After 3 minutes of recording, the recorder box will change to "Complete," and the examinee is automatically advanced to the next screen.]
Presentational Speaking: Spanish
Sample Strong Response to Sample Assignment 1
Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin.Having trouble with the audio player? Right-click and download the .m4a .
- Enter to expand or collapse transcript. Transcript expanded
[In the transcript below, ellipses indicate that the speaker paused.]
No creo que nadie deba ir a la escuela durante el verano. Esta es una temporada para que los estudiantes experimenten la vida sin los requisitos de la escuela y … sus responsabilidades de tarea. Los estudiantes se sienten más en control de su tiempo y decisiones en el verano … y pueden explorar nuevas posibilidades.
¡Recuerdo la emoción del verano! Siempre esperaba la libertad de estar en casa y con mis amigos durante períodos de tiempo más largos. Era genial despertarme más tarde en las mañanas y … pensar en cómo pasar el día. ¡No puedo imaginar la vida aburrida sin las vacaciones de verano lejos de la escuela! … Es bien sabido que … las vacaciones de verano son una buena temporada, para … sentirse unidos con las personas amadas … como hermanos, padres, … y otros familiares. Las familias tienen la oportunidad de compartir tiempo haciendo cosas juntos o jugando un juego juntos … sin preocuparse por las responsabilidades escolares. Al fortalecer estas relaciones, los niños crean recuerdos que recordarán toda la vida.
Además de establecer relaciones con familiares y amigos, las vacaciones de verano lejos de los libros de texto, los proyectos escolares y los exámenes, … permiten a los estudiantes realizar actividades diferentes a las que normalmente harían durante el año escolar. La oportunidad de elegir qué hacer en función de sus intereses … les ayuda a explorarse a sí mismos … lo cual es una parte importante del crecimiento. ¡Soy un defensor de las vacaciones de verano para los jóvenes!
Note: The sample strong response for the presentational speaking assignment is an example of a response that a candidate might record. While the sample response demonstrates effective presentational speaking skills, it could contain typical errors that candidates may produce when speaking in Spanish. Please see the rationale below for more details.
Presentational Speaking: Spanish
Rationale for Sample Strong Response to Sample Assignment 1
The response effectively communicates clear and logically sequenced ideas delivered with a consistent flow of speech, few pauses, intelligible pronunciation, and appropriate intonation. Minor errors and pauses do not interfere with comprehensibility. Examples of such errors include some inconsistency in the flow of speech and few pauses.
The candidate states a clear opinion on the issue presented in the question and effectively supports and explains the stated opinion with two of the candidate’s own relevant ideas or examples. These are based on ways that summer vacation benefits students’ lives. For example, during the summer children bond with their relatives and friends and enjoy activities other than those related to school projects and tests.
The response effectively uses language, style, and sociolinguistic conventions appropriate for the specified audience. The candidate effectively uses a range of appropriate grammatical constructions, time frames, and sentence structures. Minor errors do not interfere with comprehensibility.
Presentational Speaking: Spanish
Sample Assignment 2
[Note: All text will be presented in English; only the candidate response is in Spanish.]
[The examinee will see on screen the following directions:]
You may take up to 5 minutes to review the assignment below and to prepare your response. Then, the screen will automatically advance and recording will automatically begin. The assignment will remain on the screen during recording. You may take up to 3 minutes to respond to the assignment. Begin reviewing the assignment and preparing your response now.
[The prompt will be presented on screen ONLY, such as the sample prompt below:]
In your opinion, can using contests in class promote student learning?
Imagine that you are addressing an audience of educators, parents, and caregivers. Speaking in Spanish, respond to the question above. In your response, you must:
- state and explain your opinion about the question; and
- support your opinion by providing at least two relevant ideas or examples.
Your response must be in your own words.
DO NOT click the Next button unless you are ready to record your response.
[If the examinee clicks "Next" before the preparation time has ended, the following warning appears in a pop-up: "You have chosen to begin speaking before your 5 minutes of preparation time has ended. If you click "Yes" below, the screen will automatically advance, and recording will automatically begin. Are you sure you want to begin speaking now?"]
[The prompt will be presented on screen ONLY, such as the sample prompt below:]
Begin to respond in Spanish at the sound of the tone. You may take up to 3 minutes to complete your response.
In your opinion, can using contests in class promote student learning?
Imagine that you are addressing an audience of educators, parents, and caregivers. Speaking in Spanish, respond to the question above. In your response, you must:
- state and explain your opinion about the question; and
- support your opinion by providing at least two relevant ideas or examples.
Your response must be in your own words.
DO NOT click the Next button unless you have finished recording your response.
[After 3 minutes of recording, the recorder box will change to "Complete," and the examinee is automatically advanced to the next screen.]
Presentational Speaking: Spanish
Sample Strong Response to Sample Assignment 2
Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin.Having trouble with the audio player? Right-click and download the .m4a .
- Enter to expand or collapse transcript. Transcript expanded
[In the transcript below, ellipses indicate that the speaker paused.]
En mi opinión … los concursos no deben utilizarse para promover el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Las aulas deben crear pertenencia al grupo y aceptación … donde cada estudiante se sienta cómodo para dar lo mejor de sí mismo. Una razón por la que los consursos no deben usarse es porque … Crean … diferentes reacciones en los estudiantes. Algunos se sentirán en la cima del mundo cuando el maestro anuncia un concurso … porque les puede encantar ganar y vencer a otras personas en los concursos. Pero habrá otros estudiantes que se irán a casa sintiéndose mal … sabiendo que son perdedores en estos concursos. Esto no parece una buena estrategia de aprendizaje para todos los estudiantes. Además … ¡los mismos estudiantes ganan con frecuencia! Lejos de promover el aprendizaje y la cooperación entre los estudiantes … Esta negatividad podría dañar sus relaciones como compañeros de clase.
Otra razón para no usar competencias en clase es que algunos estudiantes se sienten nerviosos y ansiosos cuando participan en concursos. Estos estudiantes temen decepcionar a su equipo porque pueden pensar que no saben tanto como otras personas. Pero en realidad … podría ser que a estos estudiantes no les guste actuar frente a los demás o … estar frente a todos en la clase. ¡La alta ansiedad no promueve el aprendizaje de los estudiantes!
Note: The sample strong response for the presentational speaking assignment is an example of a response that a candidate might record. While the sample response demonstrates effective presentational speaking skills, it could contain typical errors that candidates may produce when speaking in Spanish. Please see the rationale below for more details.
Presentational Speaking: Spanish
Rationale for Sample Strong Response to Sample Assignment 2
The response effectively communicates clear and logically sequenced ideas delivered with a consistent flow of speech, few pauses, intelligible pronunciation, and appropriate intonation. Minor errors and pauses do not interfere with comprehensibility. Examples of such errors include some inconsistency in the flow of speech and few pauses.
The candidate states a clear opinion on the issue presented in the question and effectively supports and explains the stated opinion with two of the candidate’s own relevant ideas or examples. The response effectively considers the reasons why contests should not be used in class as they are not a good learning strategy for all students.
The response effectively uses language, style, and sociolinguistic conventions appropriate for the specified audience. The candidate effectively uses a range of appropriate grammatical constructions, time frames, and sentence structures. Minor errors do not interfere with comprehensibility.